Happy Saturday!
Michael is working so I'm flyin' it solo today. I miss him. But it's good money when he has to work on Saturday so at least there's ONE good thing coming out of it! :) He's my bud, though, so I'll be super glad when he's home. :)
It's getting fall-ish outside and I'm not sure if I'm totally thrilled. Yes, it means hot tea, warm sweaters, fuzzy-slippers, fires in the fireplace, holidays right around the corner, pumpkin pie... BUT it also means that John and I will be couped up inside. I didn't realize how much I rely on our outdoor adventures for those trying moments when John is totally bored and yelling at me to do something about it! I'm going to have to buy him socks (we only have one pair that fits him) and maybe even some warm baby-boots. That means... shopping... which means.... going out... in the cold.... wearing... SHOES! Like... real shoes. No more sandals... :( Oh well. We will deal.
Since it's chilly today, and I'm feeling sniffly, I am on my third cup of hot tea. While deciding on my herbal teas, I have rediscovered our vast collection of teas! It's like the tea-cabinet sits in wait until the glorious day that fall appears and we remember her once more. We have mulling spices! We have Chai! We have Honey Chamomile! Green Teas, Oolong, herbal teas galore, hot chocolate. So maybe I am glad that Fall is here. I will be putting a sizable dent in our tea collection. :)
John is ready for fall, too! Enjoy these cute pics!
He's ready to go out hunting with his great-uncles! :)
(Orange tweedle-bugs diaper, to protect him from other hunters...)

His hat says "I Hunt for Hugs"
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