Thursday, October 13, 2011

and the journey began

I'm up and at 'em before 6am and I don't care. John has been sleeping like a champ the last few nights and I have finally had time for myself. It's a wondrous thing. I even got to see Michael off to work this morning. It's always nice to have a few minutes alone together (contradiction in terms? eh.) in the morning. Somethin' about it really rejuvenates our marriage... It's the little things, I guess.
My coffee this morning is half.caf with pumpkin pie spices added to the brew basket. It's pretty yummy.
Since last week, God has really started me on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing.

We are doing a bible study by Chip Judd at church. It's about setting proper boundaries in our lives. I had no idea what an impact this teaching would have but it has really changed my life just within the last week! I won't go into a ton of detail because I can't do the teaching justice but you should check it out. Boundaries pretty much affect everything... I'm getting this truth in my INward parts* and letting it OUT in the way that I am living and in my relationships with others. Now, I have just begun my journey, so it's still a little squiffy (what's not to love about that word) but I'm getting there. More to come on this topic later, once I chew on it some more... probably for the rest of my life...
In addition to the teaching by Chip Judd, I have been reading this book! 
The Healing Path by Robin Pasley

*Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.
Psalm 51:6

In other news, I have become an inventor! I can finally come out with it since the results from the patent search has come back with goods and we are moving forward. I am in the process of getting a provisional patent for what I am calling the Jar Buddy. What is it, you ask? It is an attachment for regular ole mason jars that will allow for easier and cleaner pouring in/out AND you can jazz up your jar to make a fun new carafe. Here's a sketch: 
Now we will be working on the patent and the marketing to try to get a company to either buy the idea or license it. Michael had received a prophetic word a few months ago about being an inventor, so I took that as, "Hey, we're one flesh so I could do that too!" So I had this idea a few weeks ago when I was trying to pour goat's milk out of a half-gallon mason jar. It of course made a huge mess and I figured more people had run into a similar problem and TA DA! the Jar Buddy is born! I will update you as I have more to report. 

What's a blog post without a picture of this handsome guy!
If you can't tell, he's got two little bottom teeth coming in! They are sharp like raptors teeth!! He bit my nose one day and I about cried. In this picture he is playing with a straw and the top part of a turkey baster. It's quite funny because while he chews on it he babbles and squeals and the baster top acts much like a trumpet mute. He sounds like his own happy version of Louis Armstrong... :) He. is. so. cute!

Check out my new recipe for Shrimp N Grits on the In the Kitchen page. 

That's all folks! Be blessed! 

1 comment:

  1. I've been saving my mason jars and can't wait to try your invention!

    His first teeth!?!? John is growing up so fast, I can't believe it :) Awww!

    There's a part in the Bible i read a while back about boundaries, but by God I can't find it any more :( It had helped me a lot, too, back when I read it ... hum.
