Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Giving Love & Receiving Grace

This might be a long one- I've got a lot to say. The last few weeks have been really good. Challenging but good. Father God has been faithfully speaking a lot of good stuff to me lately. Thus, I'm writing this post so as to share and so I don't forget it! :) The first revelation in this string of revelations came on a morning where I was barely functioning. So tired. A little bit at my wits end. And ya know, when your mind is out of the way because it's not quite there, God's voice is able to come in a lot clearer! Get my own thoughts out of the way so His thoughts can come right on in.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Day in the Park

So Today is beautiful! John and I headed out to Rockwell Park after his morning nap! We had a little picnic with sandwiches. Of course, I mostly held his sandwich and milk while he and I ran around. Rockwell Park is cool. It has lots of play things. Perfect for kids of all ages. It even has a really cool pirate ship. Where was the first place he went? The pile of sand. He was totally disinterested in the play area at first. He played in the sand and went running off to explore the wide open places. But then he realized that there were cool stuff to climb on. And so he did. He only did a few crazy stunts. He was climbing one thing and decided to come back down and he kinda missed the last step and did a somersault. He was totally fine. He even made a few friends, of course! Along with his sandwich, his lunch consisted of sand, dirt, and sticks. He took a huge handful of sand and popped it in his mouth. It was pretty sick. He should have a good clean colon out of the deal though. All in all, it was a perfect afternoon. He is napping soundly now and I'm about to join him. Oh and baby #2 is doing good! We got to see him/her last Friday. My due date is September 6th. That's about all I know for now. :) Blessings, friends!!

Love those toofers!

John loves dirt.

mmmm Almond butter and jelly sandwich